The best insurance for your hardware wallet.
Welcome to Bitsurance. We specialize in securing Bitcon on your BitBox. At Bitsurance we value transparency and customer satisfaction. Our goal is to offer you the highest standards of security and trust. We work with ELEMENT Insurance AG, a BaFin-regulated insurer based in Berlin. Our team of experts works with the latest technology and security solutions to protect your digital assets.

Protect your assets from threats

We offer consulting services and a tailor-made insurance solution to secure a sub-account on your BitBox.
You can insure your Bitcoin up to a value of 100,000 euros.
To find out more about our services and solutions, please visit our homepage. If you would like to answer your questions or receive individual advice, please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to helping you protect your BitBox and your Bitcoins.

Finally, go directly to the BitBox app and take out insurance.